guide for health brands

Turn first-time website visitors into customers

Find out if your homepage is costing you sales and how to improve your conversions.
In just 15 minutes.

Here's what awaits you:

✔️ The 11 crucial components of a successful healthtech homepage

✔️ My top tips for engaging, high-converting web copy

✔️ Inspiring examples of effective healthtech homepages

✔️A scorecard and recommended next steps

Get expert advice from a certified
website conversion copywriter

With website copy, first impressions matter. A lot.

This quick guide will show you how to optimize your homepage to convert more of your hard-earned traffic into customers.

I'm Kayla Plettenberg, a conversion copywriter moving the needle for healthtech brands for 7+ years. I've personally used these strategies to drive results like:

- 32% conversion rate
- 10x the industry-standard download rate

​Trusted by top brands

Audit your homepage in 15 minutes

Download this short guide to spot your biggest blockers to website conversions and get expert tips to fix them.

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